| Tech trends

Be smarter than cyber-spies. Should you cover the camera on your kid’s devices?

| 28 Aug 2023

Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk… Even tech visionaries use webcam covers. You might think they are far too anxious, but covering one’s webcam can actually be a good preventive step. How to make sure your child’s privacy remains intact.

Communicating with friends and family, playing games, attending online classes: webcams make a child’s life better and easier in many ways. Thanks to this technology, kids can stay in touch with the people they love, be more present in an online classes and have a more personal experience while gaming. But whenever they turn their camera off, we would hope that their privacy remains. Unfortunately, there are ways in which cybercriminals can gain remote access to a computer’s camera and microphone, and use them against their user. How can you protect your child from these cyber-spies? 

Bluetooth or integrated?

There are several types of webcams on the market, each of which may be subject to different types of threats. The most general distinction we can draw is between built-in and Bluetooth cameras. Bluetooth cameras can provide better resolution and audio quality, and they may also be connected to multiple devices, including phones; this makes them highly popular. However, as with other Bluetooth devices, external webcams are also attractive to hackers, as they are vulnerable to Bluetooth hacking. In these attacks, hackers view the networks to which the technologies have been connected in the past – such as your computer – and then they replicate this trusted network, causing the camera to connect to their own device instead. So, to prevent Bluetooth hacking, always turn off the Bluetooth device when it is not being used. 

Built-in cameras can also be targeted by cybercriminals, but you can opt for several software as well as hardware solutions to avoid becoming their target. For instance, there are many webcam covers made specifically for integrated cameras, and some laptops even have a built-in cover to block the camera lens. Some devices also reveal whether the microphone or the webcam is in use, for instance by a small icon or control light. Still, hackers can sometimes disable these indicators, so choosing an integrated camera instead of an external or Bluetooth one does not necessarily mean that you are fully secured.

Opt for safe habits and high-quality solutions 

When speaking about these potential threats, they seem rather daunting, but remember, there are many things you can do to stay safe and prevent these dangers from affecting you or your child.

How to protect your child’s privacy?

1. Use a password on the camera of your child’s device. By securing access to the camera with a password, you are making it more difficult for the hackers to use the webcam for their own purposes. In general, encourage your child to use safe passwords and follow secure password hygiene on all devices.

2. Teach your children to be cautious when clicking on links or downloading files from the Internet. These actions might lead to downloading malware, which may allow hackers to gain remote access to the camera. This also applies to links or files received by email or direct message. Educate your child about phishing and advise them to consult with you concerning downloads or suspicious messages before clicking on them. 

3. Look for simple yet useful hardware solutions that will make it impossible for cybercriminals to use your child’s webcam. You can choose from many different camera covers – or you may go for the simplest option and cover the webcam with a piece of tape. 

4. Check the settings on your child’s device. Ideally, their webcam and microphone should be deactivated by default, and their Bluetooth devices should be turned off whenever they are not in use.

5. Look into app settings and see which apps have access to which functions. Limiting the access of individual apps may also make it more difficult for hackers to get to sensitive documents, pictures, and functions of the device.

6. Regularly update your operating system as well as all programs and apps installed on the device. When the system is up to date, it is usually less vulnerable to online threats.

7. Choose a trusted firewall and endpoint protection. By implementing security software, you are significantly lowering the risk that an attacker will gain access to your child’s files or webcam. Remember to regularly check your device with security scans. Security solutions may also include webcam protection, which is able to secure the device’s lens. And, thanks to endpoint protection software, you should be notified of any suspicious processes and applications that access the webcam. 


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