| Selfi

Safer Kids Online | Primerni selfiji

Ondrej Kubovič | 03 Nov 2020

Selfies – they’re fun and a great way for children to let their friends and family know what they’re up to. However, they can give away a great deal of personal information. Ondrej Kubovič, Security Awareness Specialist at ESET, talks about sensible selfie taking. Get clued-up on cybersecurity at saferkidsonline.eset.com

O avtorju

Ondrej Kubovič /
Security Awareness Specialist

Ondrej je v ESET-u delal več kot tri leta kot specialist za ozaveščanje o varnosti, zaradi česar mora slediti, pisati in govoriti o najnovejših grožnjah kibernetske varnosti...

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ESET Parental Control za Android ESET Parental Control za Android

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Z ESET Parental Control za Android


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