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How to choose a smartphone for your child
When it comes to buying the first smartphone for their child, parents often conclude that the potential risks outweigh the benefits and decide it’s safer for their youngster to stay offline as long as possible. But, in fact, if properly chosen and secured, smartphones can boost creativity and even increase your little one’s safety. Here are a few tips on how to make a clever purchase.
Feeling drawn apart from your kids due to technologies? Set healthy boundaries and talk to them
They are small, trying to understand what surrounds them, and learning quickly. Technologies are within their reach. When you give them a phone or a tablet to play with, you feel like they're not listening to you at all. How to teach your children to handle technologies safely, while strengthening your relationship with them?
Sharenting. Making choices that shape the future identity of your children
“Mom, why don't you ask me first if you can put my photo on Facebook?” Such questions are being asked by the generation of children whose photos have appeared on social networks without their permission. Blurred privacy lines are just one of the things these children now have to deal with. Another problem is the lack of control they have over their digital footprint.

Make the internet safer for your children
With ESET Parental Control for Android